Welcome to The Danish Center for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care.

About the research center

The center’s research activities focus on everyday life and educational and pedagogical caring practices in childcare centers such as nurseries, kindergartens, and age-integrated institutions for children at 0-6 years of age.

Danish Center for Research in ECEC aims to contribute to discussions on the life of children and pedagogical professionalism in the context of societal changes and changes in political management of ECEC.

The center is working towards this aim through various activities:

  • Producing and systematizing research in Early Childhood Education and Care.

  • Connecting Danish research and develop environments and projects within the field of Early Childhood Education and Care and strengthening relationships with international research environments.

  • Supporting development of practice on a knowledge-based, participatory foundation.

  • Providing support and feedback for political agendas nationally and internationally through dialogue with stakeholders and the field of practice.

The center’s main objective is to create a strong, collective, and attractive research environment that attracts and stimulates research and development in order to influence national and international research agendas, as well as to establish a sound knowledge foundation for future development of the field of practice and the political agendas that shape it.

The center’s research themes are the foundation of its activities and aim to bring together national and international researchers, including visiting researchers, with a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives.

Current central themes of strategic importance:

  • Children’s everyday life in Childcare centers.

  • Knowledge, professional expertise and working life.

  • Pedagogical Practice

  • Policy and management.

Reach out


Center manager: Annegrethe Ahrenkiel
Mail: annegrah@ruc.dk

Deputy center manager: Lars Holm
Mail: larsh@edu.au.dk

General questions: cedif@ruc.dk